Hi there!
I’m Moriah. I’m a Nutritional Therapy Consultant and 21-Day Sugar Detox Certified Coach based in the Denver, Colorado area.
I feel a passion to help people feel educated and empowered by their food choices because I’ve learned amazing it can be to feel this way. You see, in 2011, I was finishing college and I felt like I was in this constant fog. I struggled to stay awake in class (and even driving – eek!), my anxiety was constantly high, I suffered from painful cystic acne, and my cycle was completely irregular. I had my hormones tested found out I was in serious state of adrenal fatigue.
The practitioner I was working with recommended I start by cutting gluten out of my diet – and the door to the world of real food was cracked open.
It wasn’t until 2013, when I’d finished college and joined a gym, that I really started recognizing how misleading the information we’ve been taught has been — and how harmful it is for so many people.
Since then, I’ve switched to a mostly Paleo, real food diet. I stopped eating low-fat, processed food (that, turns out, was FULL of sugar) and started eating more foods that lacked ingredient labels. I was a vegetarian up until this time, and started eating meat again. These changes have lead to a drastic change in my health.
I’m healing my body and redefining my relationship with food. Food isn’t meant to just be fuel, it’s meant to nourish our bodies — to lead us to our healthiest selves, and support us when we’re feeling less so.
I believe that everyone can feel better by looking past the rose-colored plate we’ve been fed our entire lives and learning how food can work best for US as individuals. My needs may not be the same as your needs, but I’m ready to help you start putting these pieces together so you can find better health and feel more confident in how YOU nourish your body.
Currently, I’m offering monthly online groups for The 21-Day Sugar Detox starting in Fall 2018. In addition, I’m taking on individual clients next year!
Are you ready?
If so, let’s chat!